Godkänt? Esch, vi kör på det ändå!

2011-03-29 @ 11:19:51

Muntlig redovisning Text game


The book I have read is called Text Game. It´s about a girl named Mel. She got a message from an unknown person who told her that Mel's new boyfriend Ben was cheating on her. As she got more and more message from the same number  Mel went very upset by the strange message who mentioned a lot about Ben.


Kate Cann wrote this book because she wants to have a book that never seems to be like an old new book. She writes in the preface that "when you write for teenagers, you have to be aware how quickly things dating. I've learnt not to name celebrities or fashions or music in my books, because six months down the line they will be old news." I think she's right, young people are often anti-matters old stuff. The author focus on the real things that don´t change - like love, anger, happiness and jealousy. That always works.


I think the message of the book was to describe love, anger, happiness and jealousy and how it effects people.


I think the book was not the best one, but okey. It was very easy, so if it could have been a bit thicker with more text, it had been better. The book is good if you don´t read so much.

An explanation for my lousy blog

2011-03-06 @ 14:23:44
Förlåt, jag går ner på mina bara knän. Jag har inte känt för att blogga verkligen. Har inget att skriva om, känns det som. Är så himla meningslöst att skriva om vad jag gör på dagarna. Och jag orkar aldrig ta upp min kamera bara för att ta kort på en ny inköpt tröja eller dagens outfit typ. Sen känns min bloggdesign så himla tråkig och då ser min text hur tråkig ut som helst. Alltså... okej, ni kan ge mig råd och tips om vad ni vill att jag ska skriva om. Vad sägs som det? Men då måste ni ju göra det också såklart!